"...I applied myself to this, that my travels were no longer a merely vain pasture to my innate curiosity and restlessness, but directed towards another purpose, succeeding in advancing science and benefiting society - Gaetano Osculati, 1854

Named after the bold explorer born in San Giorgio al Lambro (1808), the Cultural Association Gaetano Osculati debuts on stage of the Biassono civic hall on a cold night in December 2012. Thanks to a memorable theatrical performance, written by the young fellow citizen Claudia Porta (author of "Sbramami"), immediately clarifies its goals: to build bridges of international collaboration and enhance the talents of Italy, starting from the rediscovery of national explorers history. The calendar of initiatives includes no less than 30 events per year, with presentation of globetrotters, tourist organizations, pioneer books, but also insights about the culture of traveling and themed shows. In the domestic and foreign footsteps of Italian explorers, visits in any part of Italy and remapping of frontier itineraries are also organized periodically, launching partnerships with museums and institutions. Since October 2018, on the occasion of the 210th anniversary of Gaetano Osculati's birth, the most important memory book of the explorer is available again, published by Luni Editrice with the title "Viaggio in Amazzonia" (Journey to Amazon) and edited by Alberto Caspani. On November 17, 2020, the Association has launched the official platform of the project Explorers House ("Casa degli Esploratori).